Leopard Tortoise Information. Feeling overwhelmed by a new pet you’re about to buy? If it’s a Leopard Tortoise, chances are that all you need is a bit of good, honest instruction. Reptiles may look, feel and smell vastly different from the humans they live with, but these are minor hindrances to those who learn from expert sources. Don’t be fooled by their foreign nature, because animals like the Leopard Tortoise make some of the best pets around.
Appleton Exotics is a pet shop in Wigan and has Leopard Tortoise information, contact Steve or Terry on 01942 824385 for more information or call in to the shop to have a look at the great facilities we have to offer.
There are many variables to deal with while caring for reptiles, including housing, heating, dietary nutrition and handling practices. For instance, you may not think twice before petting a cat or dog, but you should always wash your hands before and after doing the same with reptiles. Surprisingly, this is more for their safety than yours, as human hands are chock-full of harmful bacteria.
Another thing that trips people up is the fact that their Leopard Tortoises need constant heat to survive, but this isn’t so odd if you think about it carefully. One of the characteristic features of reptiles is their complete lack of hair and many also have a marked preference for hot environments such as the African savannah the Leopard Tortoise comes from. Now imagine that you were bred for intense tropical heat, and you haven’t got a single warm coat and you’ve suddenly found yourself in the chilly Northwest of England. Not so appealing, is it? Keeping a reptile warm is important, and there are plenty of ways to do it, from lamps to heating pads.
For all these variances, there some characteristics that these reptiles share with all animals. Leopard Tortoises need to eat regularly, and they are fond of the same cricket and worm diets that most lizards enjoy. They like low-stress environments that provide them with the requisite warmth and light. The only problem is figuring out which menu, habitat and heating scheme is truly best for your pet.
So who can you trust when it comes to getting the best Leopard Tortoise information? Go no further than Appleton Exotics, where every animal for sale comes with a free expert reptile crash course. You’ll find that our care suggestions go a long way towards making sure that you can care for your pet for a long time.
Appleton Exotics is a pet shop in Wigan and has Leopard Tortoise information, contact Steve or Terry on 01942 824385 for more information or call in to the shop to have a look at the great facilities we have to offer.